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Create a Seamless Onboarding Experience with Sessions

Written by Livia Burbulea | June 20, 2023

Onboarding new employees is a tedious but necessary process. New employees have to process a lot of information at once, and current employees have to take time to train the new hires. The process can be time-consuming and frustrating for both parties – but it doesn't have to be. 

Sessions is transforming the onboarding process by offering a comprehensive solution that eliminates the traditional challenges associated with onboarding. With easy access to essential resources and a robust Memory feature, Sessions empowers onboarded employees to hit the ground running without wasting valuable time seeking information.



A mere 20% of employees report feeling adequately prepared for their new roles following the onboarding process. This issue stems primarily from the absence of a comprehensive onboarding system. Currently, most new hires are merely shown a training video and left to navigate their own way. On the other hand, a more viable option would be to allocate weeks for thorough training, although this approach is both time-consuming and costly. So, employers are faced with two options: skimp on onboarding, or devote weeks of time and money. Shouldn’t there be a better option? We think so.

Studies show that the most effective onboarding programs engage and motivate new hires, provide them with the resources they need to be successful, and help them integrate into the company culture. But the challenge is, how do you go about developing this program? The answer is simple: with Sessions. 


Pre-Recorded Sessions and Reusable Agendas

Creating an effective onboarding experience requires careful planning and preparation. With Sessions, companies can take their onboarding process to the next level by pre-recording sessions and building reusable agenda templates. This innovative feature streamlines the onboarding workflow, saving time and ensuring consistency across multiple employee onboarding sessions.

By pre-recording onboarding sessions, your company can craft comprehensive and engaging content that covers all the essential information and resources new employees need. These pre-recorded sessions serve as a one-time investment, as your company can reuse them for each new employee onboarding. As a result, you no longer have to recreate the same content or deliver the same presentation repeatedly, freeing up valuable time for you, HR professionals, and trainers.

Sessions also enables you to create reusable agendas, providing a structured framework for each onboarding session. Companies can set up a standard agenda that includes key topics, important discussions, and interactive activities. Using a pre-defined agenda template ensures that HR trainers consistently cover all essential topics and onboard every employee. This consistency helps deliver a cohesive onboarding experience and ensures that trainers don't overlook any important information.

Furthermore, building agenda templates empowers your company to continuously improve their onboarding process. As you gain insights and feedback from each session, you can refine and enhance the agenda over time, incorporating best practices and optimizing the onboarding experience.

Overall, pre-recording sessions and building agendas with Sessions revolutionize the onboarding process. They save time, ensure consistency, and provide a foundation for continuous improvement. With these features, your company can confidently onboard new employees with comprehensive and engaging content, setting them up for success from day one.


Automatic Follow-Up and Note-Taking

In traditional onboarding processes, crucial information and key takeaways can easily get lost or forgotten amidst the flurry of meetings and discussions. However, with Sessions' automatic follow-up feature, you can ensure that important details are captured and effortlessly delivered to the relevant parties.

Sessions offers automatic recording of meetings, allowing you to have a comprehensive record of all onboarding sessions. Having these recordings ensures no information is lost, and that participants who may have missed the session can catch up later. The recordings also serve as a valuable resource for future reference, ensuring employees can always revisit the content whenever needed.

But Sessions doesn't stop at recording alone. It goes the extra mile by generating live transcriptions of the meetings. You can even translate transcriptions into a variety of languages, as well as turn them into summaries with key takeaways. These transcriptions and summaries can be automatically emailed to the participants, providing you with a concise recap of the session. As such, it eliminates the need for manual note-taking and ensures everyone is on the same page, even after the meeting ends.

That said, some people prefer to take notes by themselves. In that case, Sessions allows employees to take real-time notes during meetings. These notes are saved within the platform and emailed to the participants after the session. This feature ensures that individuals have a personalized record of their own notes that they can always find in their inbox or in Memory.

Sessions’ automatic follow-up feature saves time and effort for everyone involved in the onboarding process. It promotes effective meetings, reduces the chances of miscommunication, and enhances collaboration. With automatic recording, summaries, and personalized note-taking, Sessions streamlines the onboarding experience, making it more efficient, organized, and seamless.

Advanced Memory

The onboarding process often involves a wealth of information, resources, and interactions. Keeping track of all these details can be challenging, especially when employees need to refer back to them later. However, Sessions' Memory provides a comprehensive solution, serving as a centralized repository for all meeting-related information.

When you access the memory feature in Sessions, they access a powerful tool that allows you to easily navigate and retrieve valuable insights from your past meetings. One of the key benefits is the ability to see a list of participants present in a specific meeting. This feature helps you keep track of yourattendees and facilitates future collaboration and discussions with your audience.

Furthermore, Memory  allows you to access the resources shared during the meeting. Whether it's documents, presentations, or other essential materials, users can conveniently revisit them at any point. This ensures that important information is readily available and can be accessed whenever required, even long after onboarding.

Another valuable aspect of the Memory feature is the ability to go back and find recordings of past meetings. You can rewatch to the entire session with just a few clicks, ensuring you don’t miss any details or nuances. This reinforces understanding and enables individuals to refresh their knowledge, review discussions, and reinforce their learning.

In conclusion, Sessions' Memory  gives you an invaluable resource for seamless onboarding. Providing access to participant lists, shared resources, and recordings drastically simplifies information retrieval, enhances collaboration, and promotes a comprehensive understanding of the onboarding process. With Sessions' Memory feature, employees can confidently navigate the onboarding journey and refer back to vital information whenever needed.


Overcome Onboarding Challenges with Sessions

Sessions presents a game-changing solution to address the common challenges faced during the onboarding process, offering numerous benefits to companies and new employees alike. By leveraging its innovative features, Sessions helps overcome these challenges, making the onboarding experience more efficient, effective, and engaging.

One of the critical advantages of Sessions is its ability to tackle the challenge of information retention. With automatic follow-up, pre-recorded sessions, and the Memory feature, you can ensure that important details are captured, summarized, and easily accessible. This mitigates the risk of forgetting or losing crucial information, enabling new employees to retain knowledge and refer back to it whenever necessary.

Sessions also addresses the challenge of consistency in onboarding. By using pre-recorded sessions and reusable agendas, companies can establish standardized content and processes. This ensures that each new employee receives a consistent onboarding experience, with all essential information covered and no crucial details overlooked.

Furthermore, Sessions promotes effective collaboration and communication. Through its features, such as automatic follow-up and Memory, participants can access meeting summaries, shared resources, and recordings. This fosters better understanding, facilitates knowledge sharing, and encourages ongoing collaboration, even beyond the initial onboarding phase.

When combined, these features allow organizations to streamline the onboarding process. Not only does this save time for those training new hires, but it also makes it easier for new employees to hit the ground running and succeed in their new roles. 


Embrace the advantages of Sessions and unlock the full potential of your onboarding process.