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Learn from Sessions AppSumo Success: How a Small Team Hit $1M in Sales

Written by Livia Burbulea | October 18, 2023


In the fast-paced world of software, launching your product can be a daunting task. You're not just competing with other apps; you're competing for the attention of your potential users. But when you get it right, the results can be nothing short of astounding., an online meeting and webinar platform, chose to go where few dare to tread – AppSumo. The platform is renowned for providing lifetime deals on software, but it’s no easy feat to get listed on AppSumo and run a successful campaign. For Team Sessions, it was uncharted territory, but with hard work, dedication, and a dash of innovative strategy, Sessions came out victorious. 


The numbers speak for themselves

  • Sessions gained a staggering 10,000 new users.
  • Over 7,400 people shared their valuable feedback.
  • 137 people wrote reviews (with an impressive overall rating of 4.5 tacos).
  • 1,160 questions were asked and promptly answered. 
  • More than 450 live demos were conducted.
  • 500 new members joined Sessions’ vibrant community on Slack. 

In comparison to other apps that debuted on AppSumo in the same year, Sessions performed exceptionally well. 130,000 visitors viewed the Sessions page on AppSumo, of which 5% navigated to Sessions’ own website. 4,897 transactions were made, which culminated in total gross sales of $967,000, placing Sessions in the top 1% of the platform's highest-grossing campaigns. A low refund rate of 8.75% (when the average hovers at 15%) and an average order value of $197 solidified their outstanding performance. For Team Sessions, this success was nothing short of a triumph.


Team Sessions’ secret AppSumo sauce 

Here are Team Sessions’ most valuable tips for those looking to launch their own AppSumo campaign:

Make sure your product is in good shape: Before launching on AppSumo, the
Sessions team interviewed over a hundred of their existing users to find out how best to improve the Sessions platform. Not only did the team listen, they also implemented suggested changes lightning-fast and adapted their product narrative. 

  • Delegate and focus: Organized teamwork is key. Assign specific tasks to specific team members: One person should be responsible for responding to reviews, another for answering questions, someone should welcome new community members, and a dedicated team should conduct demos. 

  • Boost Support: The influx of new users will result in a surge of inquiries and issues. Ensure your support team is prepared to handle this surge efficiently. Consider expanding your support staff if necessary.

  • Prepare materials: Have a comprehensive Help Center and a library of how-to videos ready. These resources will not only benefit new users but will also empower your support team.

  • Plan your marketing: Create a well-structured marketing plan. Determine what, when, and where you will post on various platforms to maximize your campaign's reach.

  • Collaborate with AppSumo: Work closely with AppSumo and follow their advice and best practices. They have the experience and insights to guide you effectively.

    Leverage your community: If you have an active community on Slack (or elsewhere), be sure to keep discussions going. There’s nothing as powerful as word-of-mouth marketing. You might also find that established community members will help new members and answer their questions.

    Gather feedback: Sumolings are brutally honest and their feedback can range from being encouraging to harsh. Focus on the silver lining, the more honest feedback you get, the more you can improve your product.

Get AppSumo tips and ask your burning questions at Sessions’ live webinar

If your team is thinking about launching on AppSumo, but you need some help and inspiration, then join Team Sessions, AppSumo, and Promocrat in an enlightening webinar. 

  • Jarett Pflieger, Head of Sales & Operations at AppSumo, will share the do's and don'ts of running a successful AppSumo campaign.
  • Alex Gavril, Head of Growth and co-founder at Promocrat, will unveil the marketing strategy that Sessions followed in advertising their AppSumo campaign and touch on the difference between AppSumo's Select and Regular options.
  • Alex Frentescu, Head of Growth at Sessions, will dive deep into the numbers and statistics, offering insider information about Sessions' strategy.
  • Savian Boroanca, Head of Community at Sessions, will discuss how to leverage the power of your community, manage the chaos, and maintain high retention rates.

Last but not least, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions and gain valuable insights from AppSumo, Promocrat, and Sessions. This is your chance to unlock the secrets of AppSumo success and propel your product to new heights.

It’s free to join the webinar, all you need to do is register: