The All-in-One Solution for Webinars and Meetings | Sessions Blog

Sessions 2.0: Looking Back on Our Journey Together as a Community

Written by Savian Boroanca | April 06, 2022

Sessions is the video conferencing platform for teams in customer-facing hybrid work like Sales, Customer Success & Marketing to host and manage outstanding online meetings or webinars.

It’s been a while since Sessions 1.0 launched on Product Hunt. We were ready to redefine hybrid communication with our core features, tools native to the platform, and third-party integrations like Google Docs, Miro, YouTube, and Vimeo.


The Journey from Sessions 1.0 to 2.0

Even if Sessions was named “#1 Product of the Day” and “#1 Product of the Week” after the first Product Hunt launch, the real success went beyond titles. The true impact of the launch was visible in the number of new community members who were more than willing to see Sessions grow.

Although we were incredibly grateful for it, the tremendous amount of feedback and improvement requests we received daily presented a real risk: getting pulled into various directions. We needed a foolproof strategy to ensure success. Therefore, we listened to all the feedback and worked on identifying the common denominator that would serve not just one individual but rather a group. And then we implemented it.

This strategy not only improved the product in the short term but also impacted our customer development journey and the trajectory of the product. It showed us that Sessions best serves the needs of the Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success teams. Therefore, we decided to expand and accommodate even more of these user’s needs by implementing the following:

Core features

  • Organizations where teams can have Workspaces, share files (presentations, links, images, docs, etc.) and collaborate on agendas.
  • where users can create, customize and deliver complex virtual experiences.
  • A new concept that allows users to embed anything directly into Sessions: presentations, links, photos, documents, websites, agendas, third-party integrations, and more.
  • 'Book me' feature that simplifies scheduling online meetings, appointments, or events.
  • Custom branding that allows users to customize landing pages, live sessions, and emails to showcase their brand.
  • Breakout Rooms allow meeting hosts to slip participants into multiple groups.

Highly requested features

  • Reactions
  • Noise reduction
  • Custom virtual background
  • Polls

Third-party integrations:

Extensions and Add-ons

During this past year and a half, we learned that the safest and fastest growth results appear when using community-led and product-led strategies. This approach combines the best characteristics of both methods: the community serves as a safe place to explore, discuss and understand the platform while creating connections with other users. At the same time, the product becomes a high-value asset in people’s professional and personal lives.

This strategy proved its worth on numerous occasions, but we’d like to mention the most important two:

  1. Last year, Sessions won “Product of the Year” for the category “Work from Anywhere.”
  2. This year, Sessions received a $4.5M seed investment from Earlybird Venture CapitalStride.VC, and LAUNCHub Ventures.
🙏 We thank our community members, early adopters, and beta testers for playing a crucial role in our journey from 1.0 to 2.0. We invite everyone to support us again on December 7, when will be live on Product Hunt.

👉 Until then, create a free Sessions account here and enjoy all the platform’s features!