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How to Use Meetings to Build Relationships With Customers and Partners

Written by Livia Burbulea | November 09, 2023

Meetings are an essential part of doing business, but they can also be a missed opportunity to build relationships with customers and partners. When done effectively, meetings can help you to get to know your customers and partners on a personal level, understand their needs and goals, and build trust and rapport.


Prepare for Your Meeting

Successful meetings don't just happen by chance. They're the result of meticulous preparation. This initial stage sets the tone for the entire interaction and greatly influences the outcomes. An agenda is like a roadmap for your meeting, providing a clear direction for everyone involved. It keeps you on track and demonstrates your professionalism and respect for your attendees' time. 

Within your agenda, start by defining the meeting's objectives, topics to discuss, and the time allocated to each. You can share this agenda with participants in advance, allowing them to prepare and contribute. Alternatively, you can keep it private to guide you during your meeting. Sessions' agenda-building feature simplifies this process, making it easy to create, distribute, and update agendas seamlessly. 

Once your agenda is complete, it's time to practice. Rehearsing is an often overlooked but critical aspect of meeting preparation. It allows you to iron out any technical or content-related issues in advance, ensuring a smoother, more polished presentation. Sessions' Backstage is an invaluable tool, exclusively available for events. The tool offers a virtual rehearsal space to fine-tune your event, work out kinks, and get comfortable with the platform. This practice not only boosts your confidence but also ensures that the meeting runs without hiccups when the actual participants join.


Build Rapport and Trust

Building rapport and trust is the cornerstone of any successful customer and partner relationship. However, one size does not fit all when it comes to building relationships. Tailoring your interactions to the unique preferences, needs, and personalities of your customers and partners is paramount. This personal touch shows that you value them as individuals, not just as another business connection.

Active listening involves hearing what your customers and partners say and demonstrates that you understand and care about their concerns. Maintain eye contact, nod in agreement, and provide verbal affirmations to show that you're fully engaged in the conversation. Empathy plays a significant role in active listening. By understanding others' perspectives, you can offer better solutions and support.

Acknowledging concerns is a crucial aspect of relationship building. When customers or partners express worries or doubts, don't brush them aside or downplay them. Instead, address these concerns directly and constructively. Encourage an open dialogue and work together to find resolutions. By treating concerns as opportunities for improvement, you resolve issues and demonstrate your commitment to the relationship. 


Ask the Right Questions

Speaking of an open dialogue, asking the right questions, and actively listening are crucial to a successful meeting. These skills allow you to effectively engage with your customers and partners, establishing trust and fostering understanding.

Q&A sessions are the heart of productive meetings. They provide a platform for open and constructive dialogue. Encourage your customers and partners to ask questions and ensure they receive well-informed and thoughtful responses. Actively listening to their concerns and providing meaningful answers not only demonstrates your expertise but also fosters trust and respect. It's in these moments of exchange that you can deepen relationships as attendees feel that their voices are heard, and their needs are acknowledged.

The chat feature is another powerful tool for encouraging participation and gathering valuable insights. You can use it to initiate discussions, solicit feedback, or to discuss privately, 1 on 1, with participants or assistants. Sessions provides a user-friendly chat feature that enhances engagement, making it easy for participants to interact and share their thoughts.

To create a more interactive and engaging environment, consider incorporating polls. Polls serve as a valuable tool for gauging opinions and preferences on specific topics. By involving your audience in this way, you show that you value their input, which goes a long way in strengthening the relationship.


Follow-Up After Meetings

The conclusion of a meeting is not the end of the road; it's the beginning of an opportunity to solidify and grow your relationships with customers and partners. Effective post-meeting follow-up is crucial for maintaining the momentum and ensuring that your connections continue to flourish.

One of the benefits of modern technology is the ability to capture and share meeting recordings easily. By sharing the recording with those who couldn't attend, you extend the value of the meeting beyond its scheduled time. It’s practical and demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity and openness. Sessions can automatically record your meetings and store them in Memory. This feature makes sharing recordings a breeze, allowing you to ensure everyone can access the meeting's content.

In addition to sharing the recording, a well-structured follow-up email is a simple yet powerful way to reinforce the key points and action items discussed during the meeting. AI Copilot can generate a transcription for your meeting with key takeaways and even translations. Sessions allows you to share these resources with participants, as well as send their personal meeting notes. 

Takeaways, a built-in tool in Sessions, simplifies the process of sending meeting minutes. Hosts and Assistants can collaborate to compile the most important information discussed during the meeting or rely on the power of AI to generate the content automatically. This convenient feature not only saves time but also allows you to send follow-up emails directly within the live meeting or immediately after it concludes, all from Memory.

In addition to this, your email should express appreciation for attendees' participation and emphasize your eagerness to move forward together. The follow-up email is an opportunity to reiterate your commitment to the relationship and set a positive tone for future interactions.


Sessions: Paving the Path to Lasting Relationships

In business, the art of relationship-building is essential. Whether you're onboarding new team members, nurturing potential customers, or getting to know your colleagues, an efficient and engaging meeting can make a world of difference in building relationships. 

By incorporating these strategies, you can create connections that stand the test of time and set the stage for future collaboration and success. So, use these insights to make your meetings not just a business transaction but a bridge to lasting partnerships.