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Mastering Virtual Engagement: 5 Interactive Features

Written by Livia Burbulea | September 12, 2023

Have you ever been stuck counting down the minutes in a boring meeting? Not only is this frustrating for attendants, but it's also problematic for hosts. Lackluster virtual meetings can result in disengagement, missed opportunities, and unmet goals. That's where Sessions comes in. 

With a commitment to revolutionizing virtual interactions, Sessions offers a suite of interactive features designed to captivate audiences, boost collaboration, and drive meaningful engagement.



Meeting Engagement: What's the Real Impact?

Engagement is the cornerstone of any successful meeting or conference. It's not merely a buzzword; it's the driving force that transforms mundane meetings into impactful, meaningful experiences. In a world inundated with virtual interactions, the ability to captivate and involve participants has become more important than ever.

Here's why engagement matters:

  • Firstly, engaged participants are more likely to retain information. When actively involved, attendees absorb and internalize concepts, ensuring that the session's objectives are met effectively.
  • Secondly, engaged participants contribute to richer discussions. Their questions, opinions, and insights infuse diversity into conversations, leading to well-rounded outcomes.

Consider the outcomes of a meeting with engaged participants versus bored ones. In a meeting where engagement is lacking, attendees may tune out, multitask, or even drop off entirely. This results in missed opportunities for collaboration and ideation. On the contrary, a meeting brimming with engaged participants paints a different picture. Discussions become dynamic, ideas flow freely, and participants build upon each other's contributions. This synergy often sparks innovative solutions and creative strategies that might otherwise remain dormant.

Moreover, engaged participants leave a meeting with a sense of fulfillment. They feel valued, having actively participated and shared their perspectives. This positive experience lingers beyond the meeting, enhancing overall morale and motivation. In contrast, unengaged participants might leave with a sense of wasted time and unmet expectations.


Foster Engagement with Sessions

In the journey to master engagement, platforms like Sessions play a pivotal role. By offering interactive features that resonate with diverse audiences, Sessions empowers hosts to craft meetings and webinars that inspire, educate, and leave a lasting impact.

1. Live Q&A and Polling

In virtual meetings and video conferencing, passive participation often gives way to disengagement. Enter the suite of interactive features offered by Sessions, designed to invigorate interactions and rekindle audience engagement in novel and impactful ways.

Live Q&A transcends the traditional one-way communication model, allowing participants to pose questions in real-time. This dynamic exchange cultivates a sense of immediacy, empowering presenters to address queries on the spot. Attendees feel acknowledged and valued, sparking a sense of active involvement that extends beyond mere observation. Furthermore, Live Q&A opens avenues for insightful discussions, where diverse perspectives contribute to well-rounded insights.

The polling feature goes hand-in-hand with this since it introduces an interactive dimension that transforms attendees into active participants. Presenters can gauge audience opinions, preferences, and understanding through real-time polls. This provides valuable feedback for fine-tuning content and creates a sense of co-creation, fostering a collaborative atmosphere. Attendees appreciate the opportunity to contribute, while the visual representation of poll results adds a layer of engagement.

But the interactivity doesn't stop there. Sessions also brings live chat and hand-raising features to the forefront. Live chat encourages real-time communication between attendees, allowing them to share insights, opinions, and reactions instantly. On the other hand, hand-raising empowers participants to indicate their desire to speak or contribute, ensuring that interactions remain orderly and inclusive.

2. Interactive Whiteboards

In the dynamic landscape of virtual meetings, where words alone may fall short, the power of visual communication shines through interactive whiteboards. This innovative tool transcends traditional presentations, enabling participants to collaborate visually in real time, sparking engagement and creativity like never before.

Interactive whiteboards unleash a canvas of possibilities, where ideas, concepts, and strategies come to life through digital markers, shapes, and text. Participants can brainstorm, draw diagrams, and illustrate concepts, fostering a sense of co-creation that bridges geographical gaps. This collaborative approach enhances engagement and ignites deeper understanding as complex ideas are broken down visually.

Moreover, interactive whiteboards level the playing field for diverse learning styles. Visual learners grasp information effortlessly, while tactile learners engage through hands-on manipulation of elements. The feature's inclusivity extends to remote teams, where discussions are no longer confined to words on a screen but evolve into dynamic visual dialogues.

3. Live Product Demos

With the speed of technology, attention spans are more fleeting than ever. As such, the art of presentation has evolved to keep up–and gone are the days of static PowerPoint slides. Live product demos enable hosts to showcase products and services in real-time, offering a dynamic walkthrough that simulates in-person interactions. With Sessions, participants can even take control of the keyboard and mouse and interact with a digital product while the host guides them. In this way, participants witness features and benefits come to life, allowing them to make informed decisions.  This level of tangibility sparks curiosity, fostering genuine engagement that textual descriptions struggle to achieve.

Product showcases, on the other hand, create a virtual stage for businesses to spotlight their offerings in a captivating way. From software applications to physical products, these showcases offer deep dives into functionality, use cases, and value propositions. Audiences emerge not just informed but genuinely intrigued as they visualize how these offerings can seamlessly integrate into their lives or workflows.

By inviting participants into an immersive journey, hosts create a personal connection that transcends screens. The result? Engaged audiences who don't merely observe but actively experience and interact with the content, yielding stronger brand connections and higher conversion potentials.

4. Integrations and Embedded Resources

Customization is the key to unlocking impactful interactions. Sessions' capabilities in integrations and embedded resources empowers hosts to curate experiences that align precisely with their audience's needs, seamlessly integrating third-party apps for a tailored and enriched journey.

This feature expands the horizons of interaction, enabling hosts to seamlessly incorporate a range of apps like project management tools, video platforms, and more. The result is an ecosystem that mirrors the participants' workflow, enhancing engagement by providing familiar tools within the virtual session. Whether it's collaborative editing, real-time data visualization, or instant access to shared documents, the possibilities are boundless.

By integrating these third-party apps, Sessions transcends the limitations of a standalone platform, fostering a comprehensive and streamlined experience. Attendees are empowered to interact effortlessly as the learning curve associated with new tools diminishes. This tailored approach cultivates engagement, as participants can focus on the content rather than grappling with unfamiliar interfaces.

5. Post-Event Engagement

The end of a virtual session doesn't mark the end of its impact; it's merely a new beginning. Sessions' post-meeting follow-up capabilities go beyond the virtual confines of the meeting, creating a bridge that connects participants, ideas, and insights long after the session concludes.

This feature transforms the session's aftermath into an opportunity for continued collaboration and knowledge sharing. Attendees access valuable resources such as recordings, chat messages, transcripts, presentations, and supplementary materials, ensuring they can revisit and reinforce their learning. This prolongation of engagement transforms attendees from passive recipients to active contributors in the knowledge ecosystem.

Beyond the confines of a single session, Sessions' Memory feature magnifies the reach and influence of each event. By extending the conversation, Sessions ensures that engagement remains a continuous journey, uniting participants and ideas in an evolving tapestry of knowledge.


Elevating Engagement for Lasting Impact

Virtual interactions thrive on engagement, the catalyst that transforms routine meetings into exceptional experiences. Sessions' dynamic features bring life into virtual meetings, setting a new standard for remote interaction. 

The impact of these features is profound–engaged participants don't just nod off; they dive in, they brainstorm, and they contribute. They don't just leave the meeting; they leave their mark. If you're ready to take your virtual meetings to new heights, Sessions is the platform for you.