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Overcome Live Webinar Frustrations with Sessions

Written by Livia Burbulea | August 17, 2023

Live webinars are essential for businesses and professionals seeking to grow their brand awareness, engage prospects and drive more sales. However, along with their undeniable benefits, webinars often bring common frustrations for hosts and participants. From cumbersome screen sharing to switching between apps and tabs, these challenges can hinder the overall webinar experience and impact participant engagement.

Fortunately, by seamlessly integrating solutions, Sessions empowers hosts to deliver frustration-free webinars, enhance professionalism, impress clients, and build long-term brand loyalty.




The Implications of Webinar Frustrations

Failing to address customer frustrations with webinars can have significant repercussions for hosts and their organizations. These unaddressed issues can lead to a decline in participant engagement and webinar attendance, ultimately impacting the overall success of the webinar and its objectives.

  • A decline in engagement and attendance: When participants encounter recurring frustrations during webinars, their enthusiasm and interest wane. They may disengage from your content, leading to a less interactive and impactful session. 
  • Damage to reputation and brand image: Consistently encountering technical glitches, communication breakdowns, or account switching can negatively impact the host's reputation and brand image.
  • Missed opportunities and revenue loss: Frustration-riddled webinars can lead to missed opportunities to convert prospects into customers. A subpar webinar experience may deter potential clients from engaging further with the host's products or services.

Neglecting customer frustrations during live webinars can have far-reaching consequences for hosts and organizations. That's why it's so important to understand what may be causing issues in your live webinars and how to resolve them. Fortunately, Sessions offers a solution. 


Common Frustrations

"There are too many technical steps"

A major frustration that clients often encounter with webinar platforms is the complex and time-consuming process of joining and registering for sessions. Many individuals find themselves overwhelmed by technical steps, leading to missed opportunities and lost engagement. This pain point has been attributed to popular platforms where clients feel hindered by the numerous app installations and confusing procedures. Fortunately, Sessions addresses this issue head-on, providing a hassle-free solution for both hosts and attendees.

Sessions' standout feature lies in its simplicity. Unlike other platforms, Sessions doesn't require clients to install any apps, saving valuable time and effort for all parties involved. By eliminating this barrier, Sessions unblocks the pathway for attendees to easily join webinars and engage with the content effortlessly.

Users also appreciate the straightforward nature of Sessions, allowing them to focus on the core content rather than grappling with complex technological processes. This ease of use is especially beneficial when dealing with intricate problems during webinars. You can rely on Sessions as a user-friendly platform that requires little to no explanation, making it an ideal choice for seamless communication and knowledge-sharing.

"Can you see my screen?"

One of the most common frustrations in live webinars and meetings is the inefficient screen-sharing process, often leading to interruptions and communication breakdowns. As a host, sharing your screen (and hoping it's the right one) can be an error-prone task that can cost you time, participant engagement, and an air of professionalism. This issue worsens when switching between co-hosts and screens as well. 

With Sessions, hosts no longer need to say things like "Let me share my screen" or ask, "Can you see my screen?” Instead, the "screen sharing" feature is replaced with the possibility of embedding agendas, tools, resources, or links directly into the app. Hosts can effortlessly present their content, ensuring uninterrupted knowledge-sharing with participants while continuing the see and read their audience.

By removing the barriers of traditional screen sharing, Sessions significantly reduces the chances of miscommunication and confusion, enhancing the overall webinar experience for both hosts and attendees. Participants can focus entirely on the presented content without the distraction of struggling to view shared screens or waiting for the host to resolve sharing issues.

Moreover, the intuitive interface of Sessions allows hosts to navigate through their webinar materials seamlessly. This ease of use ensures a frustration-free experience, fostering better engagement and interaction with the audience. With Sessions' streamlined presentation, hosts can confidently present their webinars with professionalism and efficiency, leaving a lasting positive impression on participants.

"Oops, wrong tab."

Managing multiple accounts and tools during live webinars can be a time-consuming and faulty process. This frustration often results in hosts sharing the wrong tab or switching between various accounts, disrupting the flow of the webinar. Sessions addresses this challenge by providing a centralized platform for incorporating native tools and integrations, allowing you to conduct meetings or webinars without ever sharing your screen again

With Sessions, hosts can access all necessary tools from a single platform, simplifying pre-webinar preparations, the live webinar, and post-webinar follow-ups. This integration ensures a seamless experience, as hosts no longer need to juggle between different applications, reducing the risk of accidentally sharing the wrong tab or content.

By centralizing all tools and resources, Sessions saves valuable time and effort, allowing hosts to focus on delivering a compelling and engaging webinar. The intuitive interface makes it easy for hosts to navigate their materials and interact with participants efficiently.

For attendees, joining webinars on Sessions is equally hassle-free. With all the webinar-related functions available in one place, participants can seamlessly access meetings without the need for additional downloads or installations. The streamlined process enhances participant satisfaction, leading to a more positive overall experience. Plus, by presenting everything in a unified and organized manner, hosts project a credible image to their audience, fostering trust and confidence in your content. 

"A poor UX makes me seem unprofessional."

A key frustration hosts face during live webinars is the fear of coming across as unprofessional due to poor user experience (UX). Hosting webinars on platforms with limited customization and branding options can hinder hosts from projecting a polished and credible image. Sessions addresses this concern by providing a range of features that elevate professionalism and enhance the overall webinar experience.

With Sessions, hosts can customize their webinar layout and branding to align with their company's identity, ensuring a consistent and professional look throughout the session. The platform's intuitive interface allows hosts to navigate effortlessly, minimizing the risk of awkward pauses or technical difficulties that may compromise their professionalism.

Moreover, Sessions offers interactive features like Q&A and polling, fostering engagement and making hosts more approachable and knowledgeable. By incorporating real-time feedback mechanisms, hosts can gauge participants' needs and promptly address queries, enhancing their professional presence.

"A static webinar doesn't impress clients."

Traditional static webinars can often leave clients and participants feeling disconnected and unengaged. This frustration arises from the limited scope for interaction and personalization. However, with Sessions' array of interactive features, hosts can captivate their audience and create a memorable and impressive webinar experience.

Sessions offers interactive elements such as chat, dedicated Q&A features, whiteboards, and polls, enabling hosts to actively engage with participants and encourage real-time feedback. This two-way communication fosters a sense of involvement, making attendees feel valued and heard.

The platform's interactive features also facilitate knowledge-sharing in a dynamic and engaging manner, enhancing the overall learning experience. By promoting active participation, hosts can create a lasting impact on clients and participants, making the content more memorable and impactful.

Additionally, Sessions' analytics provide valuable insights into attendee engagement and preferences. Hosts can use this data to tailor their presentations to meet the specific needs of their audience, ensuring that clients and participants are impressed by the personalized and relevant content.


Create Frustration-Free Webinars with Sessions

Overcoming customer frustrations with live events is paramount for webinar success, especially if it aims to foster brand awareness and close deals. By providing frustration-free webinars, you can enhance participant satisfaction, boost credibility and trust, maximize conversions, and cultivate long-term brand loyalty.

Fortunately, Sessions is designed to help you eliminate communication barriers, elevate professionalism, and ensure a seamless experience for hosts and participants alike. With Sessions, frustration-free webinars become a powerful tool to engage, inspire, and drive success in the ever-evolving digital landscape (and you'll never have to ask, "Can you see my screen?" again).